Smiley Flowers Box


Choose 3 flavors. Each of these flavors is a small (3/4 gallon) bag that goes within the gift box. Choose the option of add on mini bags of popcorn and/or add on items. The gift box will then be enclosed in cellophane, including matching shred and matching bow. An enclosure card option is also included.

enhance your basket with a single serve
size of any of our chocolate popcorn flavors

enhance your basket with any accessories

ie: pick-up date & time; future ship date


Choose 3 flavors. Each of these flavors is a small (3/4 gallon) bag that goes within the gift box. Choose the option of add on mini bags of popcorn and/or add on items. The gift box will then be enclosed in cellophane, including matching shred and matching bow. An enclosure card option is also included.


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